Saturday, April 24, 2010

Light that movie!

You call up your friends what do you do? You brainstorm, but it always comes back to this very thing. A movie and dinner. A dinner and movie. Any way you want to put it... it isnt interesting! It isnt exciting! Lets make this boring day fun...

Inform the entire theatre that you have to go to the bathroom. Wait a minute or so and tell everyone that you feel better now. ( Or you can just pee on the floor for everyone to see)

Make best friends with the ticket seller. Ask them for every type of discount possible. Ask them to let you in to a sold out movie. Try to pay them off. Hold up the line. (Then come back next week and watch their reaction.)

Say "beep" loudly at every vulgarity. Tell those objecting that you are from the EPA here to stop noise pollution.

I hope this adds a little excitement to the boring movies... more ideas coming soon! Btw. I do NOT recommend Date Night. It was awful and not funny. Luckily I was friends with the ticket seller ;)!


- crest the wave

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