Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

running or changing?

but do I have a good reason? my leaving is an escape. a release from the thing i call a life here. an escape from family, "friends", and home in general. but is running a good reason?

This might be the hottest thing I've ever seen...?

lesson learned.

today i lost a friend

today i lost my best friend. it wasnt my fault, but maybe by reacting in the way i did i just pushed her away. I hope we will be friends again.
I'm moving away next year, and she used to want me to take her with me. i miss her.

crest the wave

Monday, April 26, 2010

Introduction to Poetry

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way

or walk inside the poem's room
and feel the walls for a light switch

I want them to water-ski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author's name on the shore

but all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and tortre confession out of it

they begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.

- Billy Collins

crest the wave

I know I just posted about happiness...

I'm in such an awful mood right now, I cannot even express myself. I'm sorry for all the tears, and sorrow. I feel like a bottle about to explode, and when I do there will be no one left to help me pick up the pieces.

crest the wave

It was a long... hard day.

I need a good laugh. Does anyone else need a good laugh? I wish I could laugh at anything, but it seems as though all my recent laughs are fake...
If I could spend my life doing one thing... it would be laughing.

crest the wave

Sunday, April 25, 2010


It Could Be the Purpose of Your Life So That Others Can Learn From Your Mistakes.

Good Morning! I told you I would be up early!

I need so much stuff. What to do... what to do!

I love shoes
so much
its killing me

Hey guys... so i thought I would tell you a joke... well actually maybe tommorrow
I'm going to actually go to bed now
Crest The Wave

Good Night.

After my first 2 days of blogging... I think I am officially addicted. Good night for now... until the sun comes up again :)


- crest the wave

Who would you want to be?

Makeup is a form of self expression.
Yellow lips,
orange lips,
green lips,
fuschia eyes,
green eyes,
whose to tell you what isn't normal?

The Fame Monster

For some people, fame kills it and becomes more important than the music or the performance. But for me fame is like rocket fuel. The more my fans like what I’m doing, the more I want to give back to them. And my passion is so strong I can’t sleep – I haven’t slept for three days.
— Lady GaGa / April 05, 2010

(The photo is from M.A.C's Viva Glam Gaga Collection)

I thought this was very interesting to think about. Truthful at the very least.

On a more serious note

- crest the wave

The Girl with the Red Lips

The girl
I always wanted to be
The girl
who could just be
The girl
who was far off
The girl
who was anything but a turnoff
so perfect
in every single way
words can not describe the way I was in a daze
if only
I had those red lips
i would be invicible

- crest the wave

stufff i plan to do!

This is just a ramble post. To every person who reads this... join the facebook group!!/pages/Free-To-Be/112079022161393
I plan on blogging about these things:
1) More Movies
2) More Parties
3) Makeup
4) Vacations
5) Shopping Trips
6) Books that are ACTUALLY Good
7) Amusement Parks
8) Facebook Groups that are Fun to join
9) Any Suggestions?? Comment Below

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Are You Sure Mischa?

"I know I look the part, and people used to come up to me in the street and talk to me as if I was a crazy party girl. But I don't go out clubbing because that whole thing is too claustrophobic. As for shopping, I'd rather walk my dogs, Ziggy Stardust and Charlie Barton. I cook a mean lasagne, and some people say my potatoes au gratin are pretty on fire. I guess some people are disappointed. I'm always being associated with other girls, but we're not in the same crowd. I have only met Paris Hilton once and that was in passing."
- Mischa Barton

Light that party!

Party Decade of the 50's:

Instead of throwing the regular party with the beer and the occasional bong ;) throw a fun themed party! I'm feeling some so 50's...?


- crest the wave

Light that movie!

You call up your friends what do you do? You brainstorm, but it always comes back to this very thing. A movie and dinner. A dinner and movie. Any way you want to put it... it isnt interesting! It isnt exciting! Lets make this boring day fun...

Inform the entire theatre that you have to go to the bathroom. Wait a minute or so and tell everyone that you feel better now. ( Or you can just pee on the floor for everyone to see)

Make best friends with the ticket seller. Ask them for every type of discount possible. Ask them to let you in to a sold out movie. Try to pay them off. Hold up the line. (Then come back next week and watch their reaction.)

Say "beep" loudly at every vulgarity. Tell those objecting that you are from the EPA here to stop noise pollution.

I hope this adds a little excitement to the boring movies... more ideas coming soon! Btw. I do NOT recommend Date Night. It was awful and not funny. Luckily I was friends with the ticket seller ;)!


- crest the wave

Light that fire!

I have a question. What do you do for fun? Read, write, relax, hang with friends, watch tv? I want to laugh, love, and to just live. Any Ideas... comments on how to do so...? I'm game. Let the fun begin.

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